Today's Notables
Beginning the New Midterm Business Plan
May 2009
Hisashi Furuichi
President and C.E.O.
The previous Midterm Business Plan started on November 21, 2005
and ended approximately 3 years and 4 months later on March 31,
2009. The reason for extra 4 months was because of a change in the
accounting period, which caused the Midterm Business Plan to be
that much longer. The last Business Plan was titled "RESET"
and began with a change to the company name, which provided the
impetus to completely rethink our business model. The central aim
of the plan was to essentially reset our objectives in a positive
direction. Thanks to the hard work of PRIMIX employees, the plan
proved effective and I was pleased with the results.
The new Midterm Business began April 1 and will be the same as
the other plans at 3 years in length. However, from our current
starting point in the middle of a major global financial crisis,
it is very difficult to project 3 years ahead. Yet we cannot allow
ourselves to be defeated by these challenges. We must look at this
as an opportunity to tap into those underlying basic strengths and
resources in order to realize the goals of this Plan.
Therefore, The new Midterm Business Plan was named, "Think" with
a subtitle, "Your way to excellence." The basic concept
suggests that we must always be cognizant (thinking) of what we
do and how we do it contributes to the building an excellent company.
"Think" also involves thinking from the following perspectives:
1) The customer
2) Satisfaction of employees
3) Strengthening of our brand
With the above three concepts in addition to overall optimizing our
thought, we are aiming to develop and enhance our organizational strength.
We will outline the 5 major objectives for the 3 years of the Plan
and develop a strategic road map to achieve those objectives, which
will become part of our Strategic Management Plan. Then each department
and section will use their own strategic roadmap and balanced scorecard
to set and manage their metrics based on the overall PRIMIX strategic
roadmap. This provides the direction in which to "think"
and know what do so the company can achieve the overall objectives.
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