Emulsification and Dispersion Technology

PRIMIX Corporation’s main business is the marketing and manufacturing of mixing equipment. The ultimate purpose of our mixers is to disperse the contents of a mixture to serve a specific purpose, providing many industries the essential and important technology needed in the manufacturer of other products. Companies that make conventional mixers generally just spin the contents around and are unable to achieve mixtures at particle size requirements for submicron and nanotechnology applications. The Emulsification and Dispersion Technology Laboratory, whose name has been registered as a trademark, aims to become the world leader in providing emulsification and dispersion technology that serves specific purposes.
The Laboratory has reached its 15th anniversary of development of the most advanced mixing technologies. The Laboratory was the first in the world to develop a mixer that allows the user to choose the nanometer particle size utilizing centrifugal force. The Filmix is making a name for itself and sales are rising at a steep pace. Using a spin system, the mixer can create particles from submicrons to nanometers in size, and PRIMIX Corporation is the only company in the world that is supplying it. (The machine is patented in 16 countries.)
We provide optimal mixing technology to solve many of challenges in mixing applications today. By providing the machines and technology that meet the needs of today’s applications, we are playing a significant role in the development of products in many industries. Of course, there are obstacles and challenges but depending on your viewpoint, this is a very positive thing. Even though PRIMIX Corporation is a mid-size corporation, we have been able to demonstrate that it is possible to be a leader in specialized areas if the human effort is present.
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